Bosnia and Herzegovina Mine Action Center

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Today, in front of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly in Sarajevo, people could see a demonstration exercise and presentation of mine action activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina .

The event was organized by the Center for Demining in BiH, in cooperation with the Red Cross Society. Representatives of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, EUFOR, the Red Cross Society, the Federal Administration of Civil Protection, and the non-governmental organizations Norwegian People’s Aid and Mag, through an exhibition of equipment and tools used in mine countermeasures, had the opportunity to present their work and mine countermeasures, which are being undertaken, so that our country be safe from mine danger.

Today’s event, which was primarily informative, is of great importance, because most people have never seen and do not know what mines look like, and in this way they have the opportunity to adopt the correct way of reacting in dangerous situations.

Through a simulated mine-risk area, people had the opportunity to see what it looks like to save an injured person and provide first aid. Man was injured in a minefield with mine warnings that suppose to be strictly obeyed. This means that they can not be destroyed or removed, because that is the same as setting up new minefields.

According to the latest estimates, there are currently 838 square kilometers of mine-suspected area in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Statistics show that the largest number of accidents occur in spring and autumn, and as spring has largely set foot in our areas, BHMAC reminds that there are still areas in our country where danger is stays hidden in the form of residual mines and explosive devices.

Having this in mind, it is very important that people do not take risks and do not enter areas that are unknown, because 170,000 mines and other explosive devices left over from the war are still waiting to be found, and every mine removed is at least one life saved.

BHMAC also reminds that there is an ongoing campaign called “Are you aware” that is being implemented by the BHMAC and the non-governmental organization MAG, with the aim of distributing messages and materials through social networks and warn of the danger of mines and thus prevent landmines accidents.

Todays event was held as part of the marking of World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day, under the slogan “Humanity and solidarity – that’s who we are”.


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