Bosnia and Herzegovina Mine Action Center

Sasa Obradović, Director of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mine Action Centre, met with the representatives of the Geneva Center for Humanitarian Demining, on the topic of the implementation of the BH IMSMA Core project. It was agreed to speed up the implementation of the activities, and although the delivery of required equipment is late, the deadlines and the obligations undertaken, could be reached. The head of the information support department of the Geneva Center for Demining, Steve Hellen, and the Program Officer for all activities carried out in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Samra Kinda, emphasized that the importance of this project requires greater efforts and engagement of the entire staff, who work on these tasks, and that they expect that it will be completed in accordance with the planned timelines. The meeting was also attended by Stanislav Damjanovic, advisor for Land Release and operational efficiency.

Obradović thanked for the continuous support provided by the representatives of the Geneva Center and expressed hopes that this project will be successful, like all other emplemented before. The project for the implementation of the information management system in mine action called “BH IMSMA Core” started its implementation at the beginning of this year and aims to ensure a faster, safer and more successful mine removal process in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The agreement was signed in December 2022 between the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining and the non-governmental humanitarian organization Norwegian People's Aid. Funds for the implementation of the project were provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway, amounting to a half a million euros.


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