Bosnia and Herzegovina Mine Action Center

The session is a clear indication, that the state countries take environmental safety very seriously and that this important issue should become part of the next action plan of the Convention.

AP mines and explosive devices left over from the war, cause land degradation, loss of biodiversity and serious restrictions on agricultural productivity.

Also, mine clearance methods can be more harmful and damaging for the ground, than the mines themselves.

Most of the countries dealing with the problem of landmines have not yet introduced a standard for the inclusion of environmental management, and many of them do not even have strong laws on environmental protection or management.

As part of his presentation, Director Obradovic pointed out, that BHMAC pays special attention to the demining of areas with the most important natural resources, which cannot be used due to the existence of mines. At the same time, BHMAC is planning to draw up special provisions on environmental protection, immediately after the completion of the harmonization of the existing Standard for the Removal of mines and EOD with the international standard, and the drafting of the missing chapters.

The plenary session was held as part of the Intersessional Meetings in Geneva, and in addition to Director Obradovic, Lucy Pinches, Project Manager of the NGO Norwegian People's Aid, and Adam Irmgards, Permanent Mission of Germany in Geneva, were also present.

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